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  1. J

    Time to Erase

    Hi joel, I have several large hidden files on the drives that are slow, old system volume information folders from my other PC. would this be slowing things down? do you know of a way to erase these folders? I can change access to them but each have sub-folders with many folders in them that are...
  2. J

    Time to Erase

    Joel Both partitions are 140gigs and both are NTFS and both erased by the same algorithm one has taken forever to do guthman and the other partition only took a hour or so...
  3. J

    Time to Erase

    I erasing unused space on a drive that had files deleted on it. so its just the size of files then? I just thought it was strange that some drives only took a hour and this one is taking this length of time.
  4. J

    Time to Erase

    I've ran a gutman 35 on one drive and there is a huge time frame difference to some of the partitions, none of the partitions are operation partitions this is a storage drive. Yesterday some of the partitions only took a few hours but this partition on the outer edge of the disk is the same size...