Recent content by LauraA

  1. L

    Using Eraser with out internet (specifically, .net 3.5)

    Thanks, David. I downloaded Eraser 5.8.8 from SourceFourge, and it put a folder on my Mac called Standalone. Inside the folder were various files (a text file, Eraser.dll, Eraser.exe, Eraserl.exe, and Erschk.exe), which I loaded onto a pen drive and plugged into the PC. I got all kinds of...
  2. L

    Using Eraser with out internet (specifically, .net 3.5)

    I've already run into another problem. When I try to download the root package, it asks for Windows Validation, which it wants to check with a program on my current computer. You will recall, however, that I'm trying to do this whole operation by downloading things onto my Mac and then...
  3. L

    Using Eraser with out internet (specifically, .net 3.5)

    Thanks, Joel. It took me a long time to get a thumb drive big enough for the net installer, but I finally did got one this week, installed .NET successfully this morning, and installed Eraser on my old (Windows XP, non-internet) computer. Now I'm getting the following error message when I...
  4. L

    Using Eraser with out internet (specifically, .net 3.5)

    Hi, I read a previous thread which described a process for using Eraser on a computer without an internet connection. That is my situation. I have an old Windows XP computer with no internet connection that has been sitting in my daughter's room for two years, and now we want to just get rid...