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  1. J

    Why Eraser?

    Re: Directions It depends on why you were told to download Eraser and why you think you might need it. Windows makes it easy for you to delete files that you don't want on your system, either through Add/Remove programs (which uninstalls programs you don't want anymore) or by just deleting...
  2. J

    Erasing Unused Disk Space

    I don't know. I suggest that you first uninstall 5.84 and download and install Eraser 5.7. If you find the excess folders see if Eraser can erase them. If not you'll have to delete them I suspect. Then use 5.7 to erase your unused disc space. I used it in Safe Mode but you can try in normal...
  3. J

    Erasing Unused Disk Space

    I have used it for years. It's an easy way to see what's taking up space on your hard drive and helping to determine if you really need all the stuff you have :-) Regards, JoeB
  4. J

    Erasing Unused Disk Space

    Treesize is a free software program that will show you the size of all of your folders and subfolders. If you find a folder that is extra large (I understood you to say you're looking for 7gb?) then you can check out that folder with Windows Explorer and see what's in it. You can get Treesize...
  5. J

    Eraser fails to erase unused space

    I don't know what's going on. I started it about midnight and for the first 20 minutes that I was able to see the interface it was analysing the drive. I don't know how long that went on because I went to bed. The next morning at about 9:00 it was overwriding unused space and had almost 2...
  6. J

    5.7 instead of 5.84 works on unused disc space

    It will likely be awhile before I do that again, but I'll let you know. JB
  7. J

    Eraser fails to erase unused space

    That's what it shows under Preferences, the Unused Disc Space tab as being highlighted, and also what I had set under the other tab. As far as I know there's nothing wrong with the drive (SATA, NTFS), and it seems to work pretty fast otherwise. My converting and burning with CxD also works as...
  8. J

    5.7 instead of 5.84 works on unused disc space

    I only re-installed 5.7 yesterday and didn't want to bother trying without being in Safe Mode so I can't say. With 5.84 it failed in normal and in safe mode. Regards, JoeB
  9. J

    Eraser fails to erase unused space

    Nope, only 149gb with 61gb unused space. It does need defragging but I wanted to to the erasing prior to defrag. Regards, JoeB
  10. J

    5.7 instead of 5.84 works on unused disc space

    After several failures using 5.84 to erase unused disc space, even in Safe Mode on my XP2 Pro (only got to about 6% before locking up) I followed advice in another thread and re-installed 5.7. This did the job in Safe Mode, so there seems to be an issue with 5.84, at least on some systems. I...
  11. J

    Eraser fails to erase unused space

    I had the same problem with 5.84. Following advice on another thread I removed it and reinstalled 5.7, rebooted in Safe mode and ran it on Unused Disc Space and it worked fine. Took about 12 hours with single pass PRNG to do cluster tips, free space and directory entries but it completed...
  12. J

    Time to erase free disc space

    I have the same files and folders as you on my DVD, plust 2 shortcuts - winimage and Darik_5_Boot_and_nuke, so I imagine it burned as expected. I have also taken your very good info and saved it as a text file to follow when the time comes to trade in my computer. I have one question...
  13. J

    Time to erase free disc space

    All of your info is appreciated, but I'm not going to bother going through all of the stuff you suggested just to see if I have a good DBAN burn - just not worth the effort for my purposes. If I find a floppy I'll try the floppy version, but otherwise I'll just live without it. But thanks...
  14. J

    Time to erase free disc space

    No, I hadn't been aware of DBAN, but downloaded it just now. I don't have any floppies so had to try using a CD-R. I'm not very familiar with ISO and other image files of that sort, so following the instructions in the Readme online, I double-clicked the ISO and it opened MagicISO, which I'm...
  15. J

    Time to erase free disc space

    Thanks for the links - I'll check them out. The main reason I even bother with eraser is that I generally upgrade my computer every 2 years, and part of the deal is that I trade in my previous one, so in the end I don't know who's going to get my previous one. I do, of course, format the HD...
  16. J

    Time to erase free disc space

    Actually there's nothing that requires a 35 pass on my HD, as I doubt that even my financial stuff would be of much value to a hacker if my computer got into the wrong hands, although it would be bad if that happened :-) I had never put my mind to the extra work on the HD (I only use Eraser...
  17. J

    Time to erase free disc space

    I started using eraser some years ago and, reading some of the materials about it and erasing on the net I just assumed that if there was a one pass option and then this 35 pass, there must be quite a difference in the effectiveness of one over the other, so went with what appeared to be the...
  18. J

    Eraser Has to Close when erasing unused space

    Sorry, should have sent that other info. I'm running a Pentium 4, 2.6gh, 2 gig ram, 160gb SATA HD with 80gb free space on Windows XP Pro. And I was running Eraser using the one pass random when I had my problems. I can use eraser to erase files and folders with no problems, it's just the...
  19. J

    Eraser Has to Close when erasing unused space

    I am having a problem trying to erase unused disc space. When I do it from Windows Explorer right click menu, after about 20% of erasing cluster tips I get the Windows dialogue saying that Windows Explorer has a problem and has to close, and the error log shows a problem in a temp file with...
  20. J

    Eraser may have messed up a dll.

    Re: Windows self defense And this surprises you, given how XP Pro works and now, even worse, Vista??? Regards, JB