Accidently started erasing the wrong drive

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After cautiously and carefully checking the options for dod and guttman etc. Which, both gave me the option to select the particuar drive I wanted to erase I, chose the "d.o.d 4 pass" to erase my c drive, after 4hrs. I went and checked the status. I figured it would have erased my 60gig maxtor drive by then but, it had locked at 35% completion.

I rebooted and then being a bit irritated with all I had been through in getting to this point to start with I chose the "quick 1 pass erase" and Wamm! it started writing to both drives immediately. I freaked and hit the reboot button on the puter after no more than 3-5 seconds.

it has apparently Deleted the partition table so I can't even see that a drive exists. I have since successfully erased the C Drive and have reinstalled winxp and am up and running fine however the files on my backup drive are not available to me which I could really use!

I know all/most of my data is still there somewhere and I need some good advice and probly software in order to retreive it.

Most Thankful for any help!
Dumb ass unplug your drive

Dumb ass unplug the drive you didnot want deleted first. Number 1 Rule when screwing around with multiple HDs that have impotant data.
!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU LOSE!!!!!!!!!!!
I Bet You won't make that Mistake again. Your not gonna be able to recover.
rude responses from morons

I had a somewhat similar experience, with the program making a secondary drive totally inaccessable without giving a fail-safe last warning, like we've come to expect from most software--and I got only the same snotty kind of answer.

Apparently this program is as unfriendly as some of the idiots who post here.

To answer your question somewhat--the only thing I could do was to reformat the drive. Even the drive's manufacturerer couldn't help (but at least they weren't rude about it!)
Like they say, ya get what ya pay for!

No Disrespect to anybody intended.

I feel somewhat adept at working with computers as I have replaced parts, upgraded, repaired and assembled quite a few since my "commadore 32/64/128" days and windows 3.0, 3.1, Windows 95, 98, Millenium, Windows 2000, 2000 server, nt, nt server, redhat, xp and now a little linux.

Obviously, this nice little freeware program needs a lot of work, and has several issues yet, one being that it is not very user friendly, I normally use "Killdisk" and East-tec-eraser although I have previously relied on ontrack disk eraser and a few others and all of these give you a last chance bailout and show you Exactly what is going to happen to what drives. I do not feel that you should have to go disconnecting all your other drives just to erase any particular one.

I certainly applaud all of the very, very hard work that I know has gone into the developement of Heidi's eraser and I am optimistic that the failsafes will be incorporated into this program as time progresses.
For the data recovery part, you could try putting the drives into another system as data drives and run a Windows based file recovery program.

I often use a Knoppix CD to boot up the system and use "dd" and "nc" (netcat) to detect and transfer files that were deleted onto another system and hard drive. It takes quite a bit of configuration and you do need to know what kind of files you want to recover and the associated headers and footers for those file types. Not for the faint of heart.

For nuking drives, I have taken to shutting the system down, then unhooking all the drives I don't want to actually erase so that I don't accidently ...well, you know.