Can ERASER be used over a network?

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I have 4 PC's newtorked together, all running Win XP Pro. I have tried mapping drives but eraser reports that there is no file to erase.

I want to wipe several master disks and found that Dban takes several days to wipe an 80GB drive. It would be far quicker to take the drive out, put it into another PC then run ERASER.

If it is possible to run eraser over a network that would make my life much easier.

Any ideas/solutions?

You cannot erase data from a remote hard drive using a copy of Eraser installed on your local computer. You must install a copy of Eraser on each computer whose hard drive you wish to erase, and always use the local copy of the program to erase data from a local hard drive. In other words, the program cannot be used on network shares.

Anyway, if DBAN takes too long to complete, maybe you can modify it to use fewer overwriting passes? I am not that familiar with DBAN, but perhaps you could simply close the computer once you think enough overwriting passes have been done?