First of all, when you erase a file from your hard drive, it may still be possible to recover the exact same data from your hard drive. Eraser does not search your drive for each instance of the data you erased, it only erases the specific sectors you tell it to erase. In other words, only that specific copy of the data. I can guarantee that if the erasing was successfully completed, you will not be able to recover old data from these overwritten sectors.
People who post messages on this forum claiming to have recovered overwritten data with program XYZ did not actually recover the data they just erased, they recovered copies of this data stored elsewhere on their hard drive (backups, system restore files, browser cache, NTFS journal file, swap file, temporary files etc.). It appears to be quite common that they don't even understand what exactly they found. The next step is to post here complaining that Eraser doesn't work.
To sum it up, it is absolute nonsense that anyone here could have recovered previous data from overwritten sectors, so I would appreciate it if we could we please drop this topic once again.