Eraser 5.7 has corrupted ALL text-based files !!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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HELP PLEASE!!! I chose to clean all my 'unused space' and stopped it halfway because all my ASCII-based documents (i.e., TXT, LOG, etc) will no longer open in NOTEPAD and will cause ULTRAEDIT to crash in a bad way. Your program has done something to these files... the file size is okay and the data still exists, but they will not open with any text editor.

What have you done to my text files?!?

How can I fix?!?

The only way to open these files is to open in WORDPAD and reSAVE as TEXT--what a pain... I have zillions of these files ?!?!?!?

Crapperz... that's what I get for trying free erasing software :(

Boooo..... not a successful first run of the software under WinXP SP2. Beware!!!

I'm afraid to look at what else may have been corrupted or manipulated without my knowledge. Anyone else notice any bastardized files?


Okay. On the off chance that Eraser has something stuck in memory... I rebooted WinXP SP2. The text files are now viewable again. Never had a problem opening any text files until I ran ERASER 5.7 for the first time and told it to clean all unused space--then stopped is halfway and I noticed that I could not open any ASCII files and came here to find a solution.

Since people have posted comments that there is no more updates for ERASER, I think I will count my blessings and uninstall ASAP before something else strange happens.

Keeping fingers crossed... good luck people...

The last time I tried this, there was a bug in Windows that caused these sorts of problems if a program touches the font files like Eraser does when erasing cluster tips. Rebooting always fixed it though.

I have suggested this before, but how about changing Eraser so it does not eraser cluster tips from the font files in Windows/Fonts? Anyone?
Since you stopped Eraser's erasing unused diskspace half way through I would check your diskspace to see if it has reduced.
Then have a look at the FAQ page of Eraser to see questions pertaining to the Eraser temp file that can be created which must be erased in that situation.


Since you stopped Eraser's erasing unused diskspace half way through I would check your diskspace to see if it has reduced.
Then have a look at the FAQ page of Eraser to see questions pertaining to the Eraser temp file that can be created which must be erased in that situation.


I don't think this is caused by temporary files. In fact, I am pretty sure it's the font thing I described above. 8)