Greetings to all here. This is my first post and I hope that someone here can help me with a problem I'm having.
What I am trying to do is erase pagefile.sys on my hard-disk using the DOS version of Eraser. My disk is setup w/2 different partitions - Primary has Vista 64-bit installed as primary w/NTFS and 2nd one is where I have my pagefile, and is formatted with the FAT32 file system - also primary. In the past, I've used XP Pro 32-bit and booted the computer using a Windows 98 SE startup disk that I downloaded from I would then erase the pagefile with no problem, but now that I have installed Vista Ultimate 64-bit, I get the following error:
"Eraserd: failed to erase pagefile.sys"
I would use the 64-bit Eraser application in Vista, but I don't trust the operating system to do this, as most erasing programs just mark the file for erasing on the next boot, but can I be sure that nothing from the original pagefile is written to the new one before it's erased? That's why I use EraserD.
Anyway, Is there some kind of hidden lock on the pagefile.sys that wasn't around in XP Pro but now is in Vista? I've tried clearing the attributes of the file using the DOS "attrib" command, but that didn't solve the problem. Other files erase fine, btw. Can anyone throw me a bone, here? Thanks
What I am trying to do is erase pagefile.sys on my hard-disk using the DOS version of Eraser. My disk is setup w/2 different partitions - Primary has Vista 64-bit installed as primary w/NTFS and 2nd one is where I have my pagefile, and is formatted with the FAT32 file system - also primary. In the past, I've used XP Pro 32-bit and booted the computer using a Windows 98 SE startup disk that I downloaded from I would then erase the pagefile with no problem, but now that I have installed Vista Ultimate 64-bit, I get the following error:
"Eraserd: failed to erase pagefile.sys"
I would use the 64-bit Eraser application in Vista, but I don't trust the operating system to do this, as most erasing programs just mark the file for erasing on the next boot, but can I be sure that nothing from the original pagefile is written to the new one before it's erased? That's why I use EraserD.
Anyway, Is there some kind of hidden lock on the pagefile.sys that wasn't around in XP Pro but now is in Vista? I've tried clearing the attributes of the file using the DOS "attrib" command, but that didn't solve the problem. Other files erase fine, btw. Can anyone throw me a bone, here? Thanks