Now every Drive has a internal write and read file cache (up to 16MB, and maybe more). I think if I want to read and/or write a file the hdd first caches this file. So, what if I want to erase this file which is cached directly on the harddrive? I think thats a problem. Every pass during the overwrite procedure doesn't write direcly to the magnetic media and the entire number of passes even if gutmann is used is only ONE!!! Every write access (overwrite pass) is done not on the magnetic media, but on the cache. After the last pass the file is closed and written back from the hdd-cache to the magnetic storage, because an other file becomes cached.
Does, and how does Eraser handle this caching problem?
How can this problem be handled?
As long as I know the solution isn't achieved through:
// flush to disk
or through:
Story behind:
I tried to erase some files and got a throughput of 170 megs/second thats impossible. My drive can't write more than about 30 megs/s. But the cache on the drive is 8MB.
Does, and how does Eraser handle this caching problem?
How can this problem be handled?
As long as I know the solution isn't achieved through:
// flush to disk
or through:
Story behind:
I tried to erase some files and got a throughput of 170 megs/second thats impossible. My drive can't write more than about 30 megs/s. But the cache on the drive is 8MB.