Evidence Eliminator Facts

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Isn't it amazing how people bitch about Evidence Eliminator for any excuse.

But you have to ask yourself what type of person needs one so bad, they have to bitch about it.

This free imitation Eraser is absolute rubbish.

Maybe as your knowledge of the two applications is so great,you could explain?

Maybe as your knowledge of the two applications is so great,you could explain?

Evidence Eliminator is a great program, but suffers in some areas.

For one, it is the most comprehensive cleaning program out there. Fact. Don't listen to other similar programs, they don't offer the same 'protection'.

Evidence eliminator does not have custimizable erasing options (such as type of overwrite), which is a problem. It can do a max amount of 27 effective and proper overwrites. Which is good. But only 9 of those are random data, which is a problem.

Eraser, if used properly is the best software out there. It's a fact. I think there should be a more comprehensive list of files that should be deleted for protection on the Eraser website. Someone should probably put up a list of what files Windows stores away, what it tracks etc. Because the average user does not know how to and where to find such places.

Evidence Eliminator is great for what it is, it cleans out ALL hidden 'evidence' held my the Windows OS, which I think is great. The overwriting is solid too.
Your also limited to what kind of overites method you can use. The application is a ripoff in terms of price. It needs to be at least & no more than £30. What would anyone want a program with that name nay way. Sounds like you have something to hide.
AnonyMs said:
This free imitation Eraser is absolute rubbish.
Eraser has been around longer than EE, so it can hardly be called imitation. Also, Eraser focuses solely on overwriting data, intimidating ignorant users and leaving them in false sense of security is where EE excels.
You guys are too over-critical when it comes to Evidence Eliminator. It does what it says, and that's that. It doesn't have the custom overwriting abilities that Eraser has, but that, I see is its only downfall, apart from not overwriting foldernames.

If the EE team did fix the overwriting section, allowing a more customizable section, you guys wouldn't have anything to bitch about apart from the horrible advertising they employ and the high price-tag.

Short and simple, Evidence Eliminator does what it says, "it defeats EnCase and other Recovery Tools", which is true. The EE team themselves also say to use it as often as possible on fullsettings, to keep from having your data ever recovered.

Sheesh, some people are just so cynical.
You guys are too over-critical when it comes to Evidence Eliminator.
So you feel it's all fine and dandy to send spam (see http://groups.google.com/groups?q=evidence eliminator spam) and lie to users then? Yep, anything to sell the product. :roll: Btw, I see they've taken down the "dis-information center" from their web site. Darn, that was amusing. At least there's still a mention of "intentional bad press" they used to get. :)
Argh... I already made mention about their 'amazing' advertising campaign, and said that I don't approve of it. I also said that seems to be the only thing you guys bitch about, because the software is actually good, bar a few problems which I stated.
There is a new version of EE coming out early next year. From what I know it's going to be something great.