IE Directories???

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Can anyone tell me EXACTLY how to add my IE directories to Eraser?...I read the instructions but I don't really get it. All I want is to be able to go into the program and delete all the junk files that IE created - Cookies, history, etc.....I'm running IE 6...

Erasing IE tracks

Not easy,my friend,because some of the data you would try to erase is "locked",or in use,during the process of running Eraser,as is indicated in the Help file.The cheap and easy way round this is to use an ad. supported(ads. shown in US and Canada ony) application like Netcaptor,which is a much better way to use IE,but also has a secure"Clean Up" facility to delete and overwrite all surfing data,including it is said,data which is normally locked in use. Personally,I would prefer to use Mozilla,Opera or Firebird,as all are much more secure than IE anyway.
Erasing IE tracks

Not easy,my friend,because some of the data you would try to erase is "locked",or in use,during the process of running Eraser,as is indicated in the Help file.The cheap and easy way round this is to use an ad. supported(ads. shown in US and Canada ony) application like Netcaptor,which is a much better way to use IE,but also has a secure"Clean Up" facility to delete and overwrite all surfing data,including it is said,data which is normally locked in use. Personally,I would prefer to use Mozilla,Opera or Firebird,as all are much more secure than IE anyway.
Ooops! Sorry.
BTW,I would add to above,by mentioning that I suspect that all the "clean up"wth Netcaptor really only happens after reboot.

Im confused. Eraser is supposed to erase and write over everything, right? So once youre off the internet, you can go into Internet options and delete cookies, ,history and files from settings. Now, doesnt Eraser overwrite all this space previously occupied by that stuff?

That is what I thought as well...Wouldn't a restart solve all these problems?..I have another program that tells you to restart in order to get rid of all the in use files....

Any advice?...
Eraser is supposed to erase and write over everything, right?
Nothing is overwritten unless you tell Eraser what exactly you want to erase. If there are people who think everything you delete is automagically securely overwritten once you have Eraser installed, you're wrong.

doesnt Eraser overwrite all this space previously occupied by that stuff?
If you erase the unused disk space after you have deleted cookies and cache from Internet options, then yes. If you don't, nothing is overwritten. Alternatively, you can schedule these files to be erased the next time you start Windows, or use another program for the task.

However, there is a better way to overcome these security problems Microsoft keeps introducing in their software -- switch to a better browser. Internet Explorer is not only insecure, it's also painful to use. Personally, I prefer Mozilla Firebird:
Re: Humm

QuestionMan said:
Wouldn't a restart solve all these problems?
Yes, if you schedule these files to be erased when Windows is starting. However, once the operating system is up and running again, you still won't be able to touch these files as they again once again locked.

Maybe Opera is the browser really needed here,as it has built in means of deleting all the junk files mentioned in the first post.
I quote:
"Opera includes a powerful feature for tidying up when you're finished browsing. The Delete private data menu does precisely that: it deletes all traces of your browsing. You can access the menu by selecting File > Delete private data.

In many instances you may prefer to have cookies deleted.
Delete temporary cookies
Deletes cookies that were planted for a short period.
Delete all cookies
Deletes all cookies present in your system (including temporary ones).

In Opera's cache, files such as HTML documents and images are temporarily stored.
Delete password protected pages and data
Sometimes you will access pages that use some kind of password protection. Selecting this item will cause these pages to be deleted. Note that for your protection, secure pages, such as those you see when you visit an on-line merchant, will not be cached regardless of whether this option is set.
Delete entire cache
This option means what it says: you will delete the entire contents of your cache. It is essentially the same as the option available in the Preferences > History and cache box.

Browser's keep records of Internet addresses. With Opera you can easily delete this information.
Clear history of visited pages
This empties the history of visited pages -- the pages you will find listed in the history list.
Clear history of typed-in addresses
Whenever you type an address into a window's address bar or into the Goto document box, Opera records this. If you select the option here, all typed-in addresses will be deleted.
Clear history of visited links
Browsers normally store the addresses of sites you have visited so that visited links can be displayed in the "visited link" color (usually red or purple). Opera's option to clear this history deletes all entries in the visited-links list and will also prevent others from finding out when you recently visited sites in your bookmarks list.
Clear history of transferred files
If you have downloaded files you don't wish others to know about, enable this option. The files themselves will not be affected, but they will no longer appear in Opera's File transfer box.

E-mail passwords may, depending on your settings, be stored in memory so that you can download new e-mail without retyping your password.
Clear all e-mail account passwords
This option clears your e-mail password(s). Bear in mind that your e-mail will not be affected. However, you will need to re-enter your passwords the next time you attempt to retrieve e-mail."

As you can see,privacy is well catered for in Opera,and again, it is widely regarded as far superior to IE.
Mozilla Firebird has a similar feature, just press "Clear All" on the "Privacy" page and everything the browser has stored will be deleted. However, just like with Opera, the data is merely deleted, not overwritten.