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What would you suggest in an updated version of this ERASER?
A lot can happen over continued use of certain software, this one has staying power and after constant use on a regular basis i have yet to detect the slightest flaw from my download. Perhaps the next version will have an integrated electromagnetic code that can use existing internal properties to lift the deleted data into a wireless stream of scrambled radio waves. Conjecture only of course. A little humor to reflect on complete satisfaction found with this "STRONG" product. :shock:
How about the ability to load and erase a completely separate list from a shortcut? Or maybe a hotkey that could work with the "run all" command in the on-demand section?
Even just fixing the "toolbar problem" which has been mentioned countless times before would be nice.
Yeah that would be nice considering that it has months since I first highlighted the problem to Garrett, but then again the current emphasis with Heidi Computers seems to be on the products that make them money as opposed to continuing to bring out newer versions of Eraser which of course apart from donations makes them zilch in the monetary department, which is a pity. Even fixing something as simple as fixing the toolbar display problem is probably asking too much (and who knows maybe it can't be fixed anyhow). :wink:
Well, drag & drop would be nice as well as making the GUI work better. Might be worth a donation then. There also appears to be a bug with it that causes IE to not work right after running a clean; the only fix for this is rebooting. I've had this issue on Windows XP SP2 RC1 and Beta. The authors need to keep in mind that unless they make it worth my time and money to stick with their product, they will just lose my business to say Symantec. :)
I have been using Eraser with XP Service Pack 2 RC1 for a while now with no problems at all. Erasing free space and the Recycle Bin (Yes! 35-passes) causes no errors. I also donated to Eraser since if you use it often you should pay for it. (It's not that much!!)
Anonymous said:
Well, drag & drop would be nice as well as making the GUI work better. Might be worth a donation then. There also appears to be a bug with it that causes IE to not work right after running a clean; the only fix for this is rebooting. I've had this issue on Windows XP SP2 RC1 and Beta. The authors need to keep in mind that unless they make it worth my time and money to stick with their product, they will just lose my business to say Symantec. :)

YOUR PROBLEM IS NOT WITH ERASER, i experienced the exact same side effect. It has to do with cleaning off the TYPED URL's when using any software that has this feature included. Internet Explorer then refuses to work untill after first rebooting. This holds true with any cleaning software, i found the answer was to disable or omit this single feature from its menu untill you are ready to do the URL clean, then when you do ITS A MUST TO REBOOT. Its a IE specific "BUG".