Ok - Anyone Have the Official Answer for the TMP Files?


New Member
This is really annoying.

While (THANKS! I LOVE FREEWARE) this program is *free*, it's very annoying in one respect: something is stopping eraser from properly working.

I suspect it is (check one:) antivirus, defrag, or some other background process that keeps low level disk activity locked, but whatever it is, I get the dreaded ~ERSTMP or whatever directory in my hard drive.

Yes, I have a SCHEDULED job to wipe disk free space on a USB drive (E:). When I kick it off, it immediately starts generating about 50+ GB of that stuff in the E:\ root (using that folder naming schema).

The bottom line is, I'm ok with workarounds (like stopping, pausing antivirus programs, etc), but I'd like to know what in the heck TO DO. I think Eraser is a GREAT program, no doubt. But isn't there a simple fix for this?

My Specs:

-> Eraser 5.82
-> Windows XP Pro SP2 with All Fixes to 1-29-07
-> Avast Home Free Edition (current)
-> JKDefrag (but not running when Eraser kicks off)

Nothing really else (that I know of) is running when Eraser kicks off besides UNLOCKER.

Here is my process list (scrubbed):

"Image Name","PID","Session Name","Session#","Mem Usage"
"System Idle Process","0","Console","0","16 K"
"System","4","Console","0","244 K"
"smss.exe","528","Console","0","368 K"
"csrss.exe","672","Console","0","2,468 K"
"winlogon.exe","700","Console","0","3,284 K"
"services.exe","744","Console","0","4,336 K"
"lsass.exe","756","Console","0","1,276 K"
"svchost.exe","936","Console","0","5,084 K"
"svchost.exe","992","Console","0","4,380 K"
"svchost.exe","1484","Console","0","19,452 K"
"spoolsv.exe","256","Console","0","6,476 K"
"explorer.exe","1444","Console","0","27,196 K"
"ashDisp.exe","1608","Console","0","808 K"
"TaskSwitch.exe","1628","Console","0","2,000 K"
"UnlockerAssistant.exe","1684","Console","0","260 K"
"CLI.exe","1900","Console","0","4,708 K"
"PowerMenu.exe","596","Console","0","264 K"
"svchost.exe","1056","Console","0","3,440 K"
"aswUpdSv.exe","1156","Console","0","328 K"
"ashServ.exe","1988","Console","0","13,172 K"
"FileZilla server.exe","1832","Console","0","2,540 K"
"MDM.EXE","2120","Console","0","3,636 K"
"snmp.exe","2504","Console","0","3,572 K"
"svchost.exe","2524","Console","0","4,576 K"
"wdfmgr.exe","2872","Console","0","1,712 K"
"uphclean.exe","2956","Console","0","1,432 K"
"vmware-authd.exe","3016","Console","0","3,548 K"
"vmnat.exe","3136","Console","0","1,896 K"
"vmnetdhcp.exe","3172","Console","0","1,620 K"
"alg.exe","2688","Console","0","3,440 K"
"ctfmon.exe","2908","Console","0","1,564 K"
"CLI.exe","2268","Console","0","9,096 K"
"GoogleUpdaterService.exe","3008","Console","0","136 K"
"mstsc.exe","3448","Console","0","2,576 K"
"FileZilla Server Interface.exe","760","Console","0","3,916 K"
"firefox.exe","2208","Console","0","48,152 K"
"cmd.exe","3656","Console","0","3,648 K"
"wmiprvse.exe","236","Console","0","5,816 K"
"explorer.exe","3880","Console","0","12,252 K"
"cmd.exe","3972","Console","0","2,568 K"
"notepad.exe","2596","Console","0","3,136 K"
"tasklist.exe","1232","Console","0","4,344 K"

Any help -- thanks from me.