I had Eraser 5.8.8 installed and wanted to upgrade to Eraser 6 - while doing so, i noticed that Eraser 5.8.8 was not unistalled and both programs were shown on my program files. While i have finally been able to uninstall both, in the Cnntext Menu of my Recycle Bin, are still all Eraser options shown, which came with Eraser 5.8.8. - I.e, you right click on the recycle bin and it shows 7 "Erase Recycle Bin (from 35 Pass Gutman to Library) How can i get rid of those ? I already checked with Windows 7 Support and downloaded files to change the properties in teh recycle bin, but they still show. Eraser it self (either version i had) seem not to be anymore on my computer. Any suggestions (I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate) ?