Problem with Context Menu


New Member
I had Eraser 5.8.8 installed and wanted to upgrade to Eraser 6 - while doing so, i noticed that Eraser 5.8.8 was not unistalled and both programs were shown on my program files. While i have finally been able to uninstall both, in the Cnntext Menu of my Recycle Bin, are still all Eraser options shown, which came with Eraser 5.8.8. - I.e, you right click on the recycle bin and it shows 7 "Erase Recycle Bin (from 35 Pass Gutman to Library) How can i get rid of those ? I already checked with Windows 7 Support and downloaded files to change the properties in teh recycle bin, but they still show. Eraser it self (either version i had) seem not to be anymore on my computer. Any suggestions (I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate) ?
The context menu items are stored as Registry keys. For an Eraser 6 installation under Windows 7, the key appears to be


but Joel will advise if this is not the only one. I'd expect that a key for Eraser 5 would be in a similar location.

You can safely delete the key(s) if Eraser is not installed. It might also be possible to achieve the same result by running a Registry cleaner, such as the tool that comes with the (free) CCleaner program.

Thanks - Went there , but no Eraser Key which i could delete. Did this with CC Cleaner as well. To no avail. I believe i had used Revo Uninstaller when i uninstalled Eraser 5.8.8 - Agian, i can not find any Eraser files, entries anything what so ever, still i can delete from my Recycle Bin using any of the mnetioned Eraser (Gutmann to Libary) and the same report shows after deletion as if Eraser were still on my machine.
From what you are saying, the uninstall didn't happen, or at least wasn't nearly complete. If you are getting erase reports (and actual erasures?), something must still be there. Is there anything still in the Eraser install folder? If not does a search on eraser*.* find any files?

Where were you looking for Eraser? The install should be in C:\Program Files\Eraser, for both 32 and 64 bit Windows 7. Have you enabled viewing of hidden and system files? The install files should not, I think, be hidden, but something odd has clearly happened. Also, have you ever used the portable version of Eraser 5?

You can find the recycle bin context menu entries in HKCR\CLSID\{{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell\EraseextX where X is from 1 to 7 IIRC. Just delete those keys.
Joel said:
You can find the recycle bin context menu entries in HKCR\CLSID\{{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\Shell\EraseextX where X is from 1 to 7 IIRC. Just delete those keys.
Thanks, Joel. Is that for Eraser 5? I found the key in my Registry, but it didn't contain the value. I have context menu entries.

That's for v5 only. v6 used a different method for hooking into the recycle bin context menu.
Thanks. Useful knowledge.
