Revealing file names ?


New Member
Hello, new user here. Thanks for what seems like a great tool.

I'm not sure I quite understand this, but I seem to have read indications that revealing file names might not be completely erased (short of a full disk wipe)?

If I have had files like:
- VerySecretContractWithMyMainCompetitor.doc
- LoveLetterToMyWife'sSister.doc
that have been deleted, can I use Eraser to make sure both their contents and the remnants of the file names are "securely enough" removed ?

(Win XP Pro, NTFS)
RTFM, it's all there (in the FAQ):
I heard that Eraser doesn't wipe the filename when overwriting the rest of the file? Is this true?
No. You can choose whether filenames are cleared or not, and Eraser can even clear names of all previously deleted files (when erasing unused disk space).

Although, later in the same FAQ, one find this disturbing piece:
Erasing Unused Disk Space. What does that do?
Eraser will clean the unused parts of your disk. This will remove traces of any deleted data on the drive.
It will not remove deleted file entries these remail as 'ghosts' in the MFT/FAT.
So, can anybody clear up the apparent contradiction in the FAQ ?
If I wipe unused space with Eraser, will it or will it not leave traces of the old filenames ?
Concerned said:
So, can anybody clear up the apparent contradiction in the FAQ ?
If I wipe unused space with Eraser, will it or will it not leave traces of the old filenames ?
Up! (pretty please, with sugar on top) :wink:
The last time I checked (rather basic test) with a hex editor, Eraser did appear to wipe the file names.
Maybe there's a rather subtle distinguo between "remove" and "wipe" ?
Maybe the filenames entries do remain as "ghosts", but are replaced with inoccuous data? Such that dedicated inspection could demonstrate there has once been a lot of files on that disk, but would not recover their names?

In any case, I find this to be rather important issue, and think the FAQ could stand some improvement and clarification in that respect.