set password for changing scheduled settings


New Member
Is it possible to set a password that the scheduld settings cannot be altered? Couldn't find anything in the manual...
Which version? The password protection in Eraser 5 was really simplistic (and easily broken); Eraser 6 doesn't have this feature. I would suggest that you be securing your Windows account instead since that would increase security on your files, too.
Version 6.

Nothing to do with "Windows Security". I want that users cannot
easily change the settings in earaser 6.

How to?
You can't -- the settings you set only apply to you. Other users are free to set their own settings independent of yours.
What are the reasons for you wanting to set the password over the settings?
Sorry, but is this not apparent?

I do not want that USER's can change the settings - only administrators.
And why is that? Is it company policy? If it is a multiuser environment all users will have their own settings. Why do you only want administrators to be able to change the settings. Conversely, why do you not want users to change the settings?
OK, as I said it is apparent.... their are rules i.e. about deleting of files. Many users just put it in the trash and keep it there forever. The policy is delete it for good each day.

Do you understand now.... I am quite surprised that nobody else brought this up. Please do not argue that the security of Version 5 was not good.... still better than nothing.... would be my answer. At least regular users cannot easily manipulate...
swiss said:
OK, as I said it is apparent.... their are rules i.e. about deleting of files. Many users just put it in the trash and keep it there forever. The policy is delete it for good each day.
Then what you should be doing is disabling the recycle bin. The alternative would be to define some form of global policy which affects all users on a computer/domain, if that is what you want, you'll have to create a new feature request. But password-protecting Eraser's settings is not the way to go.

Hence, unless I can fully understand what you actually require, your rationales and your intents, I am unable to suggest what you should do.
I don't get it. I want the following to be able to do -- nothing else, no other feature, not lockup of the recycle bin ( :roll: ) ...

Just please understand: I need to protect the settings in ERASER, not in Windows or anywhere else.

Why do you not understand... specially because this feature was available in the earlier version....