
Spider doesn't do anything that Eraser can't do by itself. You just have to set up scripts (either run on startup or shutdown) to wipe the Index.dat files. You do it this way because once you log in the index.dat files are locked.

I run logoff/shutdown scripts that take care of this (under Windows XP Professional).

The content of the logoff script is:

@echo off
echo clearing user data...
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%USERPROFILE%\cookies\" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%USERPROFILE%\locals~1\history\" -subfolders -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%USERPROFILE%\locals~1\tempor~1\" -subfolders -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%USERPROFILE%\recent\" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%USERPROFILE%\cookies\" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
echo clearing recycled bin...
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -recycled -method DoD_E -queue -silent
echo clearing temp folder...
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%TEMP%" -subfolders -keepfolder -method DoD_E -queue -silent
echo clearing java cache...
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -folder "%APPDATA%\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0" -subfolders -keepfolder -method DoD_E -queue -silent
echo clearing Firefox data...
for /D %%G in ("%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\*.*") do (
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -file "%%G\Cache\*" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -file "%%G\history.dat" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -file "%%G\cookies.txt" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
By the way, you should be able to run that script (It's just a text file I call "exp.cmd") by putting it in the "Startup" directory under the Start Menu.

I also run a shutdown script. It takes longer, which is why I only run it on shutdown (to run at night, for example).

Here's the contents:

@echo off
echo running F-PROT virus scan...
echo running Spybot scan...
C:\progra~1\spybot~1\spybotsd.exe /autocheck /autofix /autoclose /taskbarhide
reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" /v SpybotSnD /f
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Backups\*" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -file "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Statistics.ini" -method DoD_E -queue -silent
echo clearing free drive space...
C:\progra~1\eraser\eraserl -disk all -method Random 1 -queue

As you can see, it combines a Spybot S&D scan (which wipes spyware as well as useage tracks), a virus scan and freespace wiping. The rest is to eliminate extra stuff Spybot S&D leaves behind when it runs.