What happened to Drag-and-Drop?


New Member
I recently installed the Eraser update to I used to be able to drag-and-drop files into the Erase Schedule window. But that no longer works. Now the only way that I can delete a file is by right-clicking on it and selecting the "Eraser" option. But this requires me to enter the Systems Admin password every time and this is very tedious. Any thoughts on why drag-and-drop no longer functions? (I run Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1 on a 64-bit OS.)
Bonjour, Voici la solution....
Il semble que ce soit lié à un problème de droits utilisateurs. Il faut éditer une clé de registre, c'est un peu technique.
Clique sur "Executer...", tape "regedit".
Navigue jusqu'à la clé suivante: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Policies > System
Change la valeur de "EnableLUA" de 1 à 0.