Method Name Number of Passes Description
Pseudorandom data 1 The fastest wiping scheme. Your data is overwritten with random data (if you use a CSPRNG the data is indistinguishable from random noise.)
British HMG IS5 (Baseline) (1 pass) 1 Your data is overwritten with zeroes.
Russian GOST P50739-95 2 GOST P50739-95 wiping scheme calls for a single pass of zeroes followed by a single pass of random data
British HMG IS5 (Enhanced) 3 British HMG IS5 (Enhanced) is a three pass overwriting algorithm: first pass – with zeroes, second pass – with ones and the last pass with random data.
US Army AR380-19 3 AR380-19 is data wiping scheme specified and published by the U.S. Army. AR380-19 is three pass overwriting algorithm: first pass – with random data, second with a random byte and the third pass with the complement of the 2nd pass
US Department of Defense DoD 5220.22-M (E) 3 DoD 5220.22-M (E) is a three pass overwriting algorithm: first pass – with zeroes, second pass – with ones and the last pass – with random data
US Air Force 5020 3 US Air Force 5020 is a three pass overwriting algorithm with the first pass being that of a random byte, followed by two passes of complement data (shifted 8 and 16 bits right respectively)
US Department of Defense DoD 5220.22-M(ECE) 7 DoD 5220.22-M(ECE) is seven pass overwriting algorithm: first, fourth and fifth pass with a random byte, its 8 right-bit shift complement and 16 right-bit shift complement; second and sixth passes with zeroes, and third and seventh pass with random data
Canadian RCMP TSSIT OPS-II 7 RCMP TSSIT OPS-II is a seven pass overwriting algorithm with three alternating patterns of zeroes and ones and the last pass – with a random byte
German VSITR 7 The German standard calls for data to be overwritten with three alternating patterns of zeroes and ones and in the last pass with random data
Schneier’s Algorithm 7 The Bruce Schneier algorithm has seven passes: first pass – with ones, the second pass – with zeroes and then five times with random data


 Random Data vs. Random Byte: Random data is continually generated, a random byte is a randomly generated number, and that number is repeated throughout the pass.

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