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  1. S

    What is the point of erasing first/last 2K? - v5.8

    Jarvis - I'll leave your post in for the time-being, but I would point out to everyone that the program you're touting has only a severely limited "free" version - the "free" version doesn't even wipe un-used disk space, and what it does wipe it will only wipe one time - (...
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    Eraser 5.8

    If you're concerned about v.5.8, then simply use v.5.7 instead. ... Pete
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    erase unused space - not erase all old stuff?

    Using File Recover and a quick run with Clean Disk (not Eraser), I can see what you're talking about. (See screenshot, here: ... post880704 ). I didn't know the File Recover program was going to take so long to run. The only files that previewed with...
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    erase unused space - not erase all old stuff?

    That I understand and totally agree with. The two statements totally contradict each other (obviously - having done multiple tests myself with a different "recovery" program - I disagree with your second statement). I'll try your program (the trial version of FileRecover) out in a couple...
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    Errors in log file

    The files listed there are locked by the OS due to being "in use" at the time you're running Eraser. You can reduce the amount of those files by making sure that all un-needed programs are shut down and that you're not actually using the computer when trying to do a free-space wipe. Pete
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    help eraser 5.8 does not work for me

    Other than asking you if it's a 32-or-64 bit processor, and making sure you do not have "Enable background (slow) entropy polling" check-marked on the Preferences/General tab of Eraser, you mean? What erasing option are you attempting to use for free disk space? Does the right-click erase...
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    help eraser 5.8 does not work for me

    Hi, Dori. What operating system are you running on your computer there? (Win XP, W2K, Millenium, 98SE, what?). How old is the computer? How much RAM and what speed processor? Simply running a free-space wipe really shouldn't crash your computer, assuming you aren't trying to do the wipe...
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    erase unused space - not erase all old stuff?

    Hi, Carver! It seems to me that freespace is freespace - whether generated prior or subsequent to Eraser installation (I could be wrong, I'm no expert). At any rate, I've checked after Eraser runs with RecoverMyFiles (similar to Active@File Recovery), and it, too said there was a good...
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    Someone help me whith .httpaccess...

    Try Googling it, partner. I have no idea why you'd ask a question like that here. Pete
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    HELP! I killed my workstation with eraser

    From the sound of it, your hard-drive was dying before Eraser ever got on the scene. If it wasn't your computer, you had no business loading outside software and running it, to begin with. It's not their fault for granting you Admin-rights on your account - it's your fault for abusing that...
  11. S

    Is it safe to use Eraser in safe mode?

    Safe? Yes (at least on an XP Pro system running 5.7). But faster? No. A lot slower, here. I don't know why, but doing scans in "Safe" mode here - not just with Eraser but with just about every program I've got that "scans" - is horribly slow. (Which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, unless...
  12. S

    Cannot erase Ver. 5.7. Ugh!

    The only critical thing for you not to do with v5.8 is to attempt using Option #5 on either the Files or Unused Disk Space tabs (Edit/Preferences/Erasing). Do not - under any circumstances - select "Only first and last 2KB" as your method-of-choice on either tab. Pete
  13. S

    Cannot erase Ver. 5.7. Ugh!

    Re-download and re-install v.5.7 from the site. Then see if you have either of those options again. You can re-install it over the top of what's already there. Pete
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    Cannot erase Ver. 5.7. Ugh!

    Did you try the "Un-install" option in the Start/Programs/Eraser context menu? Pete
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    Eraser 5.8 Crash on Windows XP

    Under "Edit/Preferences/General" tab, none of you have a check-mark in "Enable background (slow) entropy polling", right? Other than that, the only reason I see for what you're experiencing is that perhaps the copy on the d/l server has become corrupted somehow, because I'm running 5.8 here...
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    eradicating all references to NORTON on XP

    Download Norton's Symclean & RNAV to remove all of Norton's > components: > > > Rnav for NAV 2003 and earlier: > > > How to uninstall Norton AntiVirus by using the Rnav2003.exe >...
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    does it really work ... Try reading that before spending your money on E.E, okay? Pete
  18. S

    What are these temporary folders e.g. ~ERAFEWD.003A ?

    Why is everyone allergic to reading the "Help/Help Topics" portion of the program, I wonder? To wit: "To overwrite the free space, Eraser creates a temporary directory, which it fills with files (these are deleted after the erasing is finished). Multiple files are used because it is faster...
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    (From Eraser's "Help" file - which you should get more familiar with): "Shell Extension: Secure Move When moving files or folders across drives, the operating system is forced to delete insecurely the source files after copying them to the new location. The Shell Extension allows you to...
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    Failure message after clearing unused space.

    That explains it. Sorry, I can't help you with those as I have no experience at all with them (and the Eraser "Help" file really doesn't get too in-depth about them). Anyone? Pete