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  1. S

    Is there a full feature version available for sale?

    You have to click to high-light the task to get some of those other icons to work, Abby. Also, the "stop" button's not going to go active unless Eraser is actually doing something at that moment. Play with it and think about it (and RTM). Pete
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    Failure message after clearing unused space.

    AbbyD - Please tell me where you're getting 100MB floppy discs - the only ones I can get hold only 1.44MB. Pete
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    Is there a full feature version available for sale?

    AbbyD - The $20.19 you're seeing there is a donation request to help fund developement of the program. Eraser is "donationware", meaning that you can use the program for free, but that donations are gratefully accepted. There is no difference, to my knowledge, between 5.7 free and 5.7 that...
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    Best way to proceed?

    tb - Someone with a similar set-up might be along eventually to help (it's the weekend, after all). I'd help you myself if I could, but I can't. Patience. Pete
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    Is data stored anywhere but on the hard drive of a computer?

    That's way over my head, sorry - but probably, someone else here will know. Pete
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    Destroying data on another computer using Nuke Disk

    You're quite welcome. Hope the rest of it goes fine for you. Pete
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    Destroying data on another computer using Nuke Disk

    Stouks - That's what he's telling you - download DBAN to a floppy on the computer that does have the Internet connection and then pop it in the one that doesn't and use it there. Pete
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    GDI Error: Can Not Compute Text Size

    plastichead - Thanks for posting both the problem and the fact that you got it resolved (I didn't see your post until just now). It's really not a good idea to do a freespace run with Eraser while you're using the computer, to begin with, because a free-space wipe is pretty...
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    Experts' Suggestions

    Sounds a lot like you're attempting to turn Eraser into some kind of malware ("silent" , "remote" install, "no user interaction" etc.). Care to clarify why you're wanting such capabilities? Pete
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    File Slack Space for a little better understanding. Pete
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    Eraser CREATES a file of same size

    Carver - I'm really not familiar with dragging and dropping files into Eraser (I don't do it that way, preferring the right-click method for on-the-fly stuff), so you're probably right. Examination of the file created - if possible - is indeed indicated. Along with some kind of indication of...
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    Eraser CREATES a file of same size

    It's a re-named temp over-write file - the same size as what's being over-written, of course - that should be removed automatically when Eraser's finished with it. Is that not happening? Pete
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    Is data stored anywhere but on the hard drive of a computer?

    Interesting podcast (thanks). When you say that the THC SecureDelete program would need to be "ported" - does that mean that it doesn't run on Windows? Also, I'm just a touch leery of trusting a d/l from an outright hacker site like that. Pete
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    Why do we HAVE "Slow Entropy Polling"

    To get back to my original question: Does the "Slow Entropy Polling" option work? For anyone? On any OS? What does it DO? (Or, what is it supposed to be doing?) If it does not work, is it being fixed? If it is not being fixed, is it going to be removed from future versions of Eraser? Pete
  15. S

    Please Help ERROR MESSAGE

    I had a similar problem, but it was a long time ago and truthfully, I don't remember how in the world I resolved it. Have you tried totally un-installing Eraser itself, re-starting, d/l'ing a fresh copy of 5.7 and installing that? Pete
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    Why do we HAVE "Slow Entropy Polling"

    (From the Eraser program "Help" file): Pseudorandom Data Cryptographically strong pseudorandom data used for overwriting is created using the ISAAC (Indirection, Shift, Accumulate, Add and Count) algorithm by Bob Jenkins. The ISAAC generator is reseeded before each task using Eraser’s own...
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    Why do we HAVE "Slow Entropy Polling"

    if it only causes problems/doesn't work? (Which has been going on for a long time prior to v.5.8, BTW). Or is it designed to only work on a specific OS? Personally, I've never been able to figure out what the heck it was supposed to DO (what the benefit of using that setting was, IOW). If...
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    Please Help ERROR MESSAGE

    You didn't experiment with the "Enable background (slow) entropy polling" setting, did you? IOW - is it still un-checked in Edit/Preferences/General, under the "Pseudorandom Number Generation" heading? If it's check-marked, un-check it and try again. And - what operating system are you...
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    Wilson - From the sound of it, you're suffering either a beginning HD failure, power supply failure, RAM failure - or any combination of all three. Either take the computer in and get it looked at or simply purchase another. Pete
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    Does Eraser automatically recurse subdirectories

    when securely over-writing? Pete