After erase unused disk space, 40 GB directory is created


New Member
After a scheduled run to erase unused disk space, I have a huge directory(about 30 GB) left over in c:Program Files. It appears that this dir was created by Eraser and is left over after the scheduled run. The name on the directory is gibberish, and the files inside are all about 220 MB in size.
I am on Windows Vista, 31 bit.
This is a bug, has this been reported before?
ABBA-is said:
This is a bug, has this been reported before?
It's a matter of opinion and yes, respectively. The issue is well documented in the FAQ, as you can see from this.

David, thanks for the quick reply. I didn't know there was a FAQ covering this.
And this is a definite bug to me. I can't see the reason why eraser is left in this state after it completes.
I can't see the reason why eraser is left in this state after it completes.
Eraser is suspposed to clean-up after itself and delete the garbage file/s at the end of it cycle, that is if it is not interruped. At the end you are suspposed to get a report telling you how much was writen and in how many seconds, but you can cancell that report in general options.
ABBA-is said:
And this is a definite bug to me. I can't see the reason why eraser is left in this state after it completes.
I agree that, in the sense that this is unintended (and irritating) behaviour, it is reasonable to regard it as a bug. The free space wipe is supposed to work by writing random garbage files until the drive is full, then deleting the garbage (as it's garbage, it does not of course need to be wiped). Under Vista and Windows 7 in particular, the somewhat bone-headed approach to security within the OS can abort this process (and therefore the intended behaviour described by Carver) in not altogether predictable ways. The writers of Easer really do need to find a way round this issue, but, so far, they have not done so.
