SysOZ EDB to PST Converter is designed to fulfil all your requirement for the EDB data conversion. According to your need, you can divide your large PST file into several small PST file. It supports all the version of OS Windows such as 95, NT, 98, ME, XP, Vista, 7, 8, and 8.1,10 (32bit & 64bit). EDB to PST Converter Tool is simply export into PST, EML, HTML, MSG and files formats play a big role to contain the resultant file after the conversion. This is the best facility of this Exchange EDB to PST tool due to this user can store their data into a different-different file format. If the user wants to extract their data into Office365 so they can do it because it supports Office365 & Live Exchange server.
Read More: SysOZ EDB to PST Converter
Read More: SysOZ EDB to PST Converter