Compatibility withwindows vista


New Member
I just wanted to know if you are going tocome up with a version that is fully compatible with Windows Vista?
I am using the latest version of Eraser but every now and then I am having some issues when I try to shutdown.
It gives me an error message that access to eraser was not allowed
You have a great product and I thank you for your help

reikka said:
I just wanted to know if you are going tocome up with a version that is fully compatible with Windows Vista?
I am using the latest version of Eraser but every now and then I am having some issues when I try to shutdown.
It gives me an error message that access to eraser was not allowed
You have a great product and I thank you for your help

ı have the same problem :(
How to use with Vista

The error you get is because Vista protects the "Program Files" folder.

I suggest the following fix. You could simplify this by only effectively changing file permissions, but I prefer to also put the affected file somewhere outside the "Program Files" folder.

1. Open a Command Prompt, using "Run as administrator" (need to do this as Administrator)

2. Issue the following commands to move the deflaut.ers file (which is the one it complains about) somewhere else suitable, and make a symbolic link so the program can still find it.

chdir "\Program Files\Eraser"
mkdir \ProgramData\Eraser
move default.ers \ProgramData\Eraser
mklink default.ers \ProgramData\Eraser\default.ers

3. Update permissions on the link destination file by issuing the following command:

icacls \ProgramData\Eraser\default.ers /grant Users:F

Note - this grants "Full Control" to the Users group. Feel free to grant different permissions if you wish - either using the GUI or icacls. This is the bit that actually stops the message. So just make sure eraser can write to it...