Deployment Eraser


New Member
I tried to deploy Eraser with Active directory GPO. for this i extract the two .msi files from the .exe file.

If a standard user log on to the station where eraser was deployed, he got this error when eraser lauch:
Erase settings not set
In the settings tab, there is nothing under default file erasure method, default unused space erasure method, randomness data source.

if a user with administrative privilege log on to the station, eraser work normally. default settings is set.

Does eraser need administrative privilege to run ?

how to correct this situation ?

Is this possible to limit or to restrict some feature to some specific user ?
is this possible to allow user to only be able to erase file or disk store on usb stick or usb disk, but to deny the use on internal Disk ?

best regards
Your main issue: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=5473

Eraser's not currently designed for corporate deployment, so there is no way currently to restrict its use. Would you like to tell me what settings/commands should be restricted? This can be part of a future version.
Hello Joel, thanks for the response. but it doesn't correspond to my problem.

Does eraser needt administrative rights to be used ?

For the seconfd point:
It could be easier to deploy eraser with a .admx file which can (for example):
- fix all the settings for corporate ( default file erasure method, default unused space erasure method, ...)
- allow or not to use eraser on usb stick or HDD
- allow or not to use eraser on Internal HDD.
- allow or not to use eraser on network HDD.
lleroy said:
Does eraser needt administrative rights to be used ?
No. Administrator rights are only needed for unused space erases and erasing files not owned by the current user.

lleroy said:
For the seconfd point:
It could be easier to deploy eraser with a .admx file which can (for example):
- fix all the settings for corporate ( default file erasure method, default unused space erasure method, ...)
- allow or not to use eraser on usb stick or HDD
- allow or not to use eraser on Internal HDD.
- allow or not to use eraser on network HDD.
Please file a ticket for this.