Tnx a lot, but I have some other questions:
1 - I saw something "strange" while wiping a single file with Eraser and the Gutmann method.
For example, I have wiped a 50MB avi file, and when I take a look to the wiping process window it repeats the 35 passes 4 times (rounds)!
But if use the wiping tool of Blowfish Advanced CS with the Gutmann method, it wipes always with 35 passes for 1 time (round).
So, do the default round options of Gutmann method in Eraser are set to 4 or higher?
Where I can set this opition?
I didn't find where to change the rounds in Eraser (I can set only the number of passes in PRNG method).
2 - Do DBAN can set the rounds?
I would like to nuke my 80GB HD but, as i read here, 8 rounds/1 passes of PRNG method is a good wipe.
So, it would be the same if I set 8 passes/1 round..
Where is the difference??
Tnx again