
If You are looking for the best exchange converter tool then Shoviv EDB to PST converter tool is only for you, The tool performs a great smooth recovery process from a corrupted, damaged, inaccessible or healthy EDB files in all conditions. Shoviv EDB to PST converter extracts the mailbox folders and Public folders keeping the original folder structure intact from the source EDB file. The tool fixes or recovers any kind of deleted and corrupted EDB mailboxes. A professional and non-professional person can easily handle this tool and convert EDB files to PST file easily.
- It provides the excellent functionality for the conversion of EDB file into Outlook PST files and saves it in new working formats like MSG, and EML, vCard, vCal, MBOX and EMLX formats.
- Using this tool, user can easily restore mailbox items like journals, Notes, Calendars, Tasks, Journal, Inbox, Outbox, Sent Items, and Draft, etc.
- It supports all version of Exchange server (5.0, 5.5, 2000, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016), Outlook, and Windows Operating System.
For more update, visit:- EDB to PST converter