Erase IE history on Reboot


New Member
I have Eraser 5.6 on a Win2K Pro SP3 machine. I have set Eraser scheduler to eraser F:A on reboot and subfolders and remove folders(F is a partition on my single hard drive). This is where my Cookies Folder, History Folder, and Temporary Internet Files are located.

Upone rebooting, I get the error message "File not found. Nothing to erase. (F:a"-subfolders).

Yet the F:a folders definetly have browsing historycontent in them.

Any ideas?

Im just curious, on your f: partition, what are the names of the folders you are trying to erase? You mention you use F:a"-subfolders, is the "a" the name of the root folder or something?
If you are doing the erase on bootup, then using eraserd the correct syntax should be:

C:progra~1erasereraserd -allfiles F: -passes 3

or something similar
One other point for any support staff. Despite removing the scheduled task that was producing the error message from within Eraser, I am still getting the error message on each reboot.
quote:Originally posted by omegac75
I am still getting the error message on each reboot.

Some investigation in the registry reveals that these keys are still present, despite me deleting the entries from scheduler:

"E:EraserEraserl.exe" -folder "F:a"-subfolders
"E:EraserEraserl.exe" -folder "F:aIETemp"-subfolders