Eraser failed to start


New Member
When I started Eraser I see Windows Error Message(screenshot and windows log in the attachment).


As the screenshots are in Russian, which I do not know, I'll have to offer general advice, for which more information is needed.

Please tell us
  • Which version of Windows are you using?
  • Have you been using Eraser previously, or is this a new install?
  • If it is a new install, did you install it over a previous version of Eraser, and, if so, which one?
  • Have you tried the solutions for Eraser staring faults posted in the FAQ topic 'Common Eraser questions'?

Have you deleted the old Task List? It can be found at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Eraser 6\Task List.ersx.
Sorry for silence, I didn't get any notifications by email and thought that there are no answers. I correct my profile now.

Joel said:
Have you deleted the old Task List? It can be found at %LOCALAPPDATA%\Eraser 6\Task List.ersx.
Yes, this doesn't help.

DavidHB said:
Please tell usWhich version of Windows are you using?
Win7 Pro 64bit

DavidHB said:
Have you been using Eraser previously, or is this a new install?
New install.

DavidHB said:
If it is a new install, did you install it over a previous version of Eraser, and, if so, which one?
First I installed Eraser , during erasing of free space there was a error, I didn't remember it. I go to the web-site and found that a stable version is, I uninstalled and installed So I get the above ERROR during starting.

DavidHB said:
Have you tried the solutions for Eraser staring faults posted in the FAQ topic 'Common Eraser questions'?
I didn't find there any answers.
With this additional information, I think I understand your problem quite well. Unfortunately, Eraser installs do not seem to like downgrading, and problems can occur even if you uninstall first.

Here is a direct quote from the FAQ topic in which you 'did not find any answers':

"Sometimes, you need to uninstall Eraser (particularly if it is a 6.1/6.2 build), delete the Task list and the the registry keys (HKCU\Software\Eraser), reboot and reinstall ... Cases do arise where it is necessary to open the Registry Editor, search for all entries (keys or, where appropriate, values within a key) containing the word 'Eraser', and delete those keys or values manually."

The point is that, in my experience, once a problem of the kind you describe occurs, no amount of reinstalling will fix it. You have to uninstall, then look in both the file system and the Registry for any traces of Eraser you can find (using if you can both Registry cleaners and the search described above) and remove them, then reboot before you attempt a further install.

Do be warned : traces are easy to miss. I have on occasion had to go through the process several times before persuading Eraser to reinstall properly. So care and patience are needed here.

Why does this problem occur? To be honest, I don't know. As far as I can tell, what seems to cause the problem is not the Registry keys Eraser uses for normal running (uninstalling usually deletes these keys in any case), but keys and key values the Windows installer inserts in the system and then does not remove on uninstall. It may also be that the automated build server builds used for the 'nightly' betas are more likely to create issues. For stable builds, such as 6.0.9, Joel hand builds the install file, and that ought in principle to make installation (or, to be more accurate, uninstallation) less error-prone.

I decided my problem with your adviсes. Thank you. I uninstalled Eraser and deleted all registry entries and files, after this I installed Eraser and this problem disappeared.

But now I have another problem during erasing of unused disk space.
It's good to know that brute force still works if all else fails! I have responded on your new query (and thank you for putting it in a separate topic; that helps other forum users).
