Eraser command line broken


New Member
Using Eraser on windows 7 64bit

Running from cmd prompt
"C:\Program Files\Eraser\Eraser.exe" erase --file=%cd%\junk.txt

I get "C:\Program Files\Eraser\Eraser.exe" black window with following error

Tasks must contain at least one erasure target.
Press any key to continue . . .

this used to work in 6.0.10.x
Same error when running "C:\Program Files\Eraser\Eraser.exe" addtask --file=%cd%\junk.txt
Hey dudes, try with this:

eraser addtask file=d:/vx/delete.txt

Be carefull with the " and the --
This way dont work: eraser addtask --file="d:/vx/delete.txt"

Hope it help :)
I register just to let you know the solution :P
Hey dudes, try with this:

eraser addtask file=d:/vx/delete.txt

Be carefull with the " and the --
This way dont work: eraser addtask --file="d:/vx/delete.txt"

Hope it help :)
I register just to let you know the solution :p

Thanks LorDuncan, that was driving me nuts. Signed up to say thanks:D

I think this is a crazy move by developer though. I have a batch file set up in a dropbox folder to remove a temp file from the computers that have access to it when they are finished. This 'small' change in functionality means I now have to ensure that all users pc's have the same version of eraser on them which is a pain or the temp file is not erased:(