eraser do not work


New Member
got the follwo task log , please let me know what i should correct

Error The program does not have the required permissions to erase the unused space on disk. Run the program as an administrator and retry the operation.

the probelm is i am the adminisrator , (i am the only user of my computer)

please help
Dear Joel

thank you very much for your kind support , i did as you say , than win 7 open window "do you want this program make cahnge in the computer" i say yes , than the eraser task window open and i did new task but got again the same error log as follow : (i use window 7)

Error The program does not have the required permissions to erase the unused space on disk. Run the program as an administrator and retry the operation.

thank you for your help

Kind regards
You need to exit the Eraser that is already running in the system notification area (system tray) before doing those steps in the FAQ.
Dear Joel.

Thank you again for your answer , but i did not understand what to do , can you please expain me simply what to do , i am not computer expert so i did not understand your explenation.

the eraser i download is stable v6

thank you in advance

Kind regards
Exit Eraser from that icon first, then run Eraser again as an administrator.


Dear Joel.

Thank you very much for your kind support , i been able to run eraser !!! , but than i got the follow error log (i use window 7 i download stable v6 i have no idea if this is 32bit or 64 bit) , i thank you in advance for your help and apologise i bother you too much :

Error C:\ did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020)

Error C:\ did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020)

Error C:\ProgramData\Avira\AntiVir Desktop\TEMP did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020)

Error C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: Access is denied. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070005 (E_ACCESSDENIED))

Error C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Search\Data\Applications\Windows did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020)

Error C:\RRbackups did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: Access to the path 'C:\RRbackups' is denied.

Error C:\System Volume Information did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: Access to the path 'C:\System Volume Information' is denied.

Session: יום חמישי 14 ינואר 2010 11:29:56
יום חמישי 14 ינואר 2010 11:30:06Error C:\Users\wy did not have its cluster tips erased because of the following error: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070020)
יום מישי 14 ינואר

Session: יום חמישי 14 ינואר 2010 11:29:56
יום חמישי 14 ינואר 201 Error The data area passed to a system call is too small. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007A)

Yes, that's a known bug. If you really need the bug fixed you can download the Eraser 6.0 nightly builds at but that itself contains risks (of untested code)
thank you for the answer , but i did not understand if even with this bug the eraser delte all the files or not ?

also can you answer if i use the correct version (stable v6) that is good for win7 as i read there is 32 bit and 64 bit and i have no idea if i use the corrdect version

many thanks

If I'm not wrong that will cause the task to be cancelled -- so the erase will not have done any cleaning (at all).

Eraser 6 will definitely install the correct version for your computer, the installer will detect your computer and install the correct version.
Dear Joel.

thank you for your fast respond , but your answer is not clear , i did not understand if my computer is clean or not , was the erase done , even i got this list of error or not , if the answer that the erase was not doen , can you kindley advice to me what i should do in order the erase will be done.

as always i thnk you for your kind support.

Best regards
Dear Joel.

Thank you for fast answer , in the task is was written complete with error , but if you say it was not doen i will follow your instractions , do i need to remove the old eraser version or it is done automaticaly ?

kind regards
It's done automatically. If the program crashes on startup, delete %LOCALAPPDATA%\Eraser 6\Task List.ersx.
thank you Joel , yes it crash , but i have no idea how to delete the file you said , can you tell me how to delete it ?
Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Eraser 6 and delete the file Task List.ersx?
hi Joel , after i down load the file you send , when try to run it say the exe file is not valid Win32 aplication

can you help ?
No, don't download the file, delete it! Use the Computer explorer to go to the location and delete the Task List file. See the screenshot.


Hello, I just wanted to say thanks for this thread. I was getting the same error with version 6.0.7 and could not figure out why. Then I noticed a newer version online but for some reason when I would download and install it would tell me there is already a newer version installed which had me dumbfounded. So I completely uninstalled version 6.0.7 and went to install version 6.0.8. After installing I would get an error report and it would crash. So I deleted the file you suggested and now I got it working. So thanks!!! Keep up the great work!!!