Eraser Freeze Problem


New Member
I'm running XP Pro SP2. I don't seem to have the freeze up problem if I erase 1 Word file at a time, however more times than not if I attempt to erase 10 files or more simultaneously Eraser freezes. I typically use 7 pass DoD.

At Eraser freeze, (it stops running), I check my hard disk and free space goes down from 17+GB to less than 7GB. When I attempt to shut down Eraser, it stops but the dialog box remains up and my computer slows almost to a stop. I use Task Manager to shut down the process but the dialog box still remains up. Finally I use Task Manager to shut down My Documents since I can't manually close it while Eraser is hung. Finally the Eraser dialog box is gone.

I check free space and it remains down 10+GB.

I reopen My Document, find the file Eraser froze on and try to erase again. The last time I did this Eraser indicated "estimated minutes" = 58! It is only a 200kb Word file.

I leave the computer and wait the 58 minutes and the file is finally erased. Here is the Eraser log file:
Erased area = 10585 MB
Cluster tips = 0 bytes
Data written = 74095 MB
Write time = 2856.22 s
Write speed = 26564 kB/s

After all this I check free space and my hard disk is back up to 17+GB.

Obviously I can not continue to use Eraser with continual problem. I uninstalled Eraser and reinstalled it to no avail.

I would very much appreciate any help or insight anyone can give here.

Is Eraser designed to only erase 1 file or a small group of files at one time? What is the recommended maximum size of the file or group?

Hi sly

What version of Eraser are you using ?

It sounds to me like you are performing a free space wipe somehow.
Overwriter, thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

I am using 5.86.1. Previous to that I was using 5.7.

I just erased a small file. I right clicked on the file, chose the erase option, which is set to 7 pass Dod, and erased the file. Here is the log file:

Erased area = 96 kB
Cluster tips = 1740 bytes

Data written = 672 kB
Write time = 0.36 s
Write speed = 1867 kB/s

No problem erasing 1 file.

I don't know how I would be performing a free space wipe. I always use the same method to erase...right clicking on the specific file or files. It is only when I attempt to erase multiple files do I incur the freeze up problem. I read someone else had the problem in the Eraser Bugs Forum so I'm not the only one. I previously responded to that thread, possibly in error since it is not a confirmed bug. Sorry.

Any suggestions here? Is there a limit to the number of individual files you can highlight to erase at one erase process? Erasing 1 file at a time can be laborious. Thanks.
Hi sly :)

sly said:
Overwriter, thank you for your response. I really appreciate it.

You’re welcome.

sly said:
I don't know how I would be performing a free space wipe.

It is just when you said this.

sly said:
I check my hard disk and free space goes down from 17+GB to less than 7GB.

That sounds like Eraser is filling up the free space in order to overwrite it. I am only guessing here but do you have a schedule set ?

What other software do you have installed on your computer ? Anything like special recovery programs etc ? It might be something like a sandbox type program or something making a restore or backup of all the overwrites by mistake.

I have Windoze XP Pro SP2 and I don’t have any problems with Eraser and multiple file wipes. Could you try changing from the 7 pass to the single pseudorandom single pass as a test please ?


Overwriter said:
That sounds like Eraser is filling up the free space in order to overwrite it. I am only guessing here but do you have a schedule set ?

No schedule set.

Overwriter said:
What other software do you have installed on your computer ? Anything like special recovery programs etc ? It might be something like a sandbox type program or something making a restore or backup of all the overwrites by mistake.

I am not acquainted with any special recovery programs on my computer. I use AVG Free Antivirus, Defender, Zonealarm. Unless there is something installed stealth on my computer making a restore or backup which I am unaware of.

The freeze only happens when I attempt to erase multiple files. I've never experienced it with single file erases. Seems like a restore or backup would work in all cases. It seems to occur toward the end of the erase procedure, apparently with the final file to be erased. I could be wrong there, but the last time it happened only 1 of the files remained in its folder to my knowledge. When I erased that single file, my free space returned to normal.

Overwriter said:
I have Windoze XP Pro SP2 and I don’t have any problems with Eraser and multiple file wipes. Could you try changing from the 7 pass to the single pseudorandom single pass as a test please ?

I have used the 7 pass method on many single files with no problem. Per your request I erased an 11.3 kb HTML document using single pseudorandom. The results:
Erased area = 12 kB
Cluster tips = 621 bytes
Data written = 12 kB
Write time = 0.16 s
Write speed = 76 kB/s

As an aside, what does "Erase Secure Move" mean in the command box directly under "Erase"?

Thanks again.
Hi sly,

I have not forgotten you, I am just trying to get Eraser to do the same on my machine. No luck yet as all seems to be working ok.

I will stick with it though. In the meantime if you have any more clues or find an answer I would appreciate it if you would post back here to let me know.