Eraser mooched my OS!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Anonymous
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Hey you guys!

I installed Eraser 5.7 a few days ago and ran a freespace erase on c: over the course of that night. There were several thousand files that were not touched mostly due to them being hidden or protected files. The next day, I was no longer able to right-click any items on my computer. Explorer would instantly freeze up and I would have to kill the process. As soon as I uninstalled Eraser, my OS could breathe again...

Anybody got the scoop on this one?

John "The Magic" Bong
It could be that the temporary folder created during Freespace wipe got so large. The name of this folder is ~ERAFSWD.TMP.

How to delete it:

Option 1:
Untick cluster tips in Eraser preferences and select a one pass option and run Eraser again. This should return our full freespace allocation.

Option 2:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Click on View->Options and Show Hidden Files.
Run a Find.
3. If found Erase it.
If you wish to use the command prompt you can type “deltree X:\~ERAFSWD.TMP”, where X is the drive letter

Option 3:
1. Run ScanDisk.
2. Using File Finder in Windows, look for files that were changed around the date/time you ran Eraser. This may find ~ERAFSWD.TMP.
3. Erase it.

Try those to see if the folder exists and then delete it.

Try turning off Entropy Polling within Eraser to solve the Explorer freezing issue.
It could be that the temporary folder created during Freespace wipe got so large. The name of this folder is ~ERAFSWD.TMP.

How to delete it:

Option 1:
Untick cluster tips in Eraser preferences and select a one pass option and run Eraser again. This should return our full freespace allocation.

Option 2:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Click on View->Options and Show Hidden Files.
Run a Find.
3. If found Erase it.
If you wish to use the command prompt you can type “deltree X:\~ERAFSWD.TMP”, where X is the drive letter

Option 3:
1. Run ScanDisk.
2. Using File Finder in Windows, look for files that were changed around the date/time you ran Eraser. This may find ~ERAFSWD.TMP.
3. Erase it.

Try those to see if the folder exists and then delete it.

Try turning off Entropy Polling within Eraser to solve the Explorer freezing issue.