I have setup a batch file to do a zero of freespace. I defined in eraser a pattern named zero with the bytes set to zeros. I then entered the following command line:
call "C:\program files\eraser\eraserl.exe" -disk c: -method "zero"
I have triec all combinations of this command and have even tried entering it from a command prompt from within the directory where eraserl resides and I keep getting the syntax screen.
eraserl -disk c -method zero
eraserl -disk c: -method zero
eraserl disk c: method zero
eraserl disk c method zero
What is the correct syntax to run eraserl using my defined method?
call "C:\program files\eraser\eraserl.exe" -disk c: -method "zero"
I have triec all combinations of this command and have even tried entering it from a command prompt from within the directory where eraserl resides and I keep getting the syntax screen.
eraserl -disk c -method zero
eraserl -disk c: -method zero
eraserl disk c: method zero
eraserl disk c method zero
What is the correct syntax to run eraserl using my defined method?