Hdd not detected on my i7 920 desktop


New Member
Heya! =)

I have an i7 920/asus p6t desktop, sadly dban doesn't detect the hdd. I'm a very experienced user of some years so know it's a detection problem for sure, reduced to using free killdisk at the moment which ain't great.

Wondering if there'll soon be an update to Dban for newer quadcores? Cheers. =)
I have a feeling its the SATA controller which isn't detected. Try running your drives as IDE mode and have a go?
Heya Joel, my controller is set to IDE, it doesn't make any difference whether i use enhanced or compatible settings. Think you're right it's my storage controller tho, it's the JmIcron JMB363, it might make a difference if i switch to the Intel controller before using DBAN.

Cheers for replying, sorry my own was so delayed. Happy New Year and all that's good for now. =)
Yeah, Linux distros usually hate running the Jmicron controller. Which I'm using too unfortunately... Then again, I do believe it is possible to fool the distro into thinking the controller is a standard IDE controller and see both attached drives, then you can nuke 'em separately.
Heya Joel, hope all's good and cheers for replying. =)

Yeah, thought it was Jmicron causing the prob, i'll uninstall it just before i nuke. If you have an idea about fooling the distro that might run, post it here and i'll give it a go. I'll post here myself again if either method works, might be useful info for other users.

Cheers again and all that's good for now. =)