i cant uninstal version 588


New Member
hi i got windows 7 and eraser 5.8.8 but i cant uninstal the eraser, what can i do? the sprogram show me " is imposible uninstal beacuse the program is currently."
please help me!!
whats the last version estable?
You may have the scheduler running. If so, untick the option to start Eraser with Windows, reboot, and try again.

You need to terminate the Explorer process. Eraser 5 loaded the entire Eraser program into memory the moment Windows starts, which led to some upgrade/installation problems. Run the uninstaller, when the program prompts you that Eraser is still running, Hit Winkey + R, and type
taskkill /f /im explorer.exe
. Let Eraser uninstall, then press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the Task Manager. In the applications tab, go to File > New Task (Run...) and type explorer, then hit enter.
well thanks!!! i got it!!!
this problem is resolved.
thanks for the reply.

:shock: but i got other problem.
i got install windows 7 and eraser 6.0.7 and i need erase archieves from a hard drive usb 1tb, the path is k: when i erase that archieves i receive the message "failed erase ... in directory k:" but when i erase some into the c: ... i dont have any problem, why i cant erase in the folder into hard drive external?
mikemako said:
i got install windows 7 and eraser 6.0.7 and i need erase archieves from a hard drive usb 1tb, the path is k: when i erase that archieves i receive the message "failed erase ... in directory k:" but when i erase some into the c: ... i dont have any problem, why i cant erase in the folder into hard drive external?
Eraser works perfectly well on non-system drives, both internal and external. I use it for that purpose all the time, on a number of machines.

Is there a task log for the failed erase? If so, what, precisely, does it say about the failure?

Session: jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010 1:39:32
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010 1:39:55 Error The file K:\$RECYCLE.BIN\S-1-5-21-1239096876-20736252-205428862-1001\$I3RQV70.flv could not be erased because the file was either compressed, encrypted or a sparse file.

thats the message, now in hard drive c i cant eraser nothing. in drive k only i got compressed the archieves.
Almost certainly, your K: drive is set to compress files. Eraser cannot (yet) deal with files that are compressed by the file system; it's quite happy with ordinary .zip or whatever archives. Hence the error message. If you want to use eraser on your drive, I'm afraid you will need to change its properties.

Remember that (un)encrypting, (un)compressing or (un)sparsing a file leaves the encrypted, compressed or sparse file (and vice-versa) unmodified on the disk.
Joel said:
Remember that (un)encrypting, (un)compressing or (un)sparsing a file leaves the encrypted, compressed or sparse file (and vice-versa) unmodified on the disk.
Presumably (I can't test this) erasing free space clears this residue. Or does something have to be explicitly deleted first?

Yup, erasing free space should clear the residue.

I had the same problem with 5.8.8 on Win XP Home which doesn't have "taskkiil". Rather than trial and error with "tskill" I used Task Manager to shut down "explorer" then uninstall Eraser then Run explorer. Order was a bit different but your post had enough info for me to figure things out. Thanks for posting such great details that pointed me in the right direction to get a resolution. Cheers :-)

"taskkill" is the most error-proof way, haha. Don't want users killing the wrong processes.