Need Eraser help

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my computer is running slow - was told to 'erase deleted files' - found this site - want eraser but will it have directions a person with no experience in these matters can understand. i have $15.00 to donate if you can help me, please.
Your computer could be running slow for many reasons.

You can however erase the unused space by right clicking on the drive in Windows Explorer and choosing 'Erase unused space'.

You should perhaps run Scandisk on your computer first, plus check your computer for viruses, trojans, spyware etc.

In case anyone wonders, erasing unused disk space will not make your computer run any faster. Nor will the drive gain any space afterwards. If your computer is sluggish or there is not enough space on your drive, you don't need Eraser.
Eraser Question

I have had eraser for a year or so and like it a lot.
I just ran it to cleanup unused disk space. When It was done I now have an additional 3gb used of disk space. I know it does not increase disk space useing this, but why did it use up 3gb ? Where is this 3gb of data at...and can I get rid of it. Seems a waste of disk space.

Hope someone can help me on this. I dont believe it has done this in the past (but not sure).

Also the temp file people in here say it creats is not on my pc. So what is using up all this disk space. And how do I get my space back?

Ok this is getting crazy. I have now lost about 16gb's since last post.
There is no temp file to be found (in case it "stopped" durning the clean sweep).
All I have done was reboot my pc, and surfed a little. No the program is not set to run at startup or set to do anything automatically.

16gb of space to be used up in a matter of 3 hours, and I havent dl'ed a thing, is getting on my nerves to say the least.

Anyone out there know whats going on here? I even did a system restore, and that proved to do nothing about this problem.

Im useing XP pro, all up to date

Any help would be great.
The temp file is hidden so you have to:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Click on View->Options and Show Hidden Files.
3. Then run a find for the ~ERAFSWD.TMP folder.
4. Once found, erase the folder and it's contents.

Untick cluster tips in Eraser preferences and select a one pass option and run Eraser again. This should do it.

Important: Make sure you are using Eraser 5.6/5.7 with XP.

The temp file is hidden so you have to:
1. Open Windows Explorer.
2. Click on View->Options and Show Hidden Files.
3. Then run a find for the ~ERAFSWD.TMP folder.
4. Once found, erase the folder and it's contents.

Untick cluster tips in Eraser preferences and select a one pass option and run Eraser again. This should retrieve your lost space.


Im using version 5.7
I could not find the file/folder "~ERAFSWD.TMP" It is no where on my pc.
And no files are hidden on my pc. I did the search also with no luck.

I ended up turning off system restore, rebooted, then went back and turned restore back on. I then noticed I had gained all my lost disk space back...and then some.

Im not sure what happened, but at least I have my disk space back

Thanks for your response. :)
admin said:
4. Once found, erase the folder and it's contents.
Or better yet, just delete the folder, it only contains random data which you don't need to overwrite (again).
admin said:
Untick cluster tips in Eraser preferences and select a one pass option and run Eraser again. This should retrieve your lost space.
Sorry, but how exactly would this retrieve possible lost disk space? I mean, under what circumstances would this help? Is it possible that something goes wrong with the cluster tips option enabled?
Robotics said:
Im not sure what happened, but at least I have my disk space back
Sounds like Windows decided to back up the temporary files Eraser created. Is there a way to tell System Restore to ignore them?