Recoverable info in temp folder (~ERAFSWD.TMP)?


New Member
Is there any useful or recoverable information in the temp folder (~ERAFSWD.TMP) created by Eraser? (i.e. if the folder is left in place for some reason from an interrupted wipe, is there any security consequence other than disk space being used up?)

Also, would the temp folder (~ERAFSWD.TMP) be left on the disk if Eraser completes a full freespace wipe, but the user never clicks "OK" at the end to acknowledge that the process was completed (and the machine was then powered down and rebooted the next day)?

Does not clicking "OK" at the end of a full freespace wipe constitute an interrupted wipe?

robby said:
Is there any useful or recoverable information in the temp folder (~ERAFSWD.TMP) created by Eraser?
(i.e. if the folder is left in place for some reason from an interrupted wipe, is there any security consequence other than disk space being used up?)
No none.

Also, would the temp folder (~ERAFSWD.TMP) be left on the disk if Eraser completes a full freespace wipe, but the user never clicks "OK" at the end to acknowledge that the process was completed (and the machine was then powered down and rebooted the next day)?
I don't think ~ERAFSWD.TMP would be left on the disk, Eraser removes all temperary files it creates before the dialoge box appears.

Does clicking "Ok' at the end of a freespace wipe constute a interrupted wipe.
I don,t think it would, but it has never happened that I clicked the X instead