Stop your crying . . .
Yeah, well, I haven't had that prob. But when has M$ EVER taken responsibility for ANY of its junk f**king up a system (which it does VERY regularly) - you ever read their EULA?
Virtually every piece of software disclaims liability in its EULA, usually providing only for replacement price of the software in the event that it screws your system. Well, since Eraser is FREE, I guess they'd be willing to do that ;-). Anywhoo, the most cited reason that all software has broad disclaimers is that while you may have written perfect code, it can still fail because the Operating System (read: M$ Windoze) has bad code that your code relies on or one of the other hundred or so progs on a system may be poorly written (thereby executing code in another progs data space, having a memory leak that bogs down everything else, etc.). This does even begin to touch on hardware and driver bugs/defects. No one's going to take responsibility to data loss on some little address book prog they pumped out over a weekend because it's not ACID compliant and your computer crashed.
At least with Eraser and other OSS compliant software IF there is a problem, it's not hidden out of sight (letting the author/company blame the bugs on someone else's software) AND they can be fixed by anyone. So instead of bitching about OSS, contribute where and how you can.