Windows 7 Error


New Member
Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: eraser.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4b26dc33
Problem Signature 04: System.Windows.Forms
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4a275ebd
Problem Signature 07: 1521
Problem Signature 08: 138
Problem Signature 09: System.NullReferenceException
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

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NullReferenceException is a new one. Please PM me your email so I can provide with you a debug version.

I can confirm the error reported by mviverette. Also, after a couple of attempts at erasing free disk space, a task error icon appears in the notification area. Looking at the Eraser log file the entry is as follows: Session: 19 December 2009 1:17:39 PM
19 December 2009 1:17:39 PM Error The program does not have the required permissions to erase the unused space on disk. Run the program as an administrator and retry the operation.

I have tried running as administrator and the problem still persists.

John Barnett MVP
Windows XP Associate Expert
Windows Desktop Experience


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Looks like this problem is intermittent. After closing down the PC for a few hours and then rebooting the 'erase free space' seems to have decided to work. The 'run as administrator' option is still enabled via the Eraser properties and the only other change is that I made the request to erase free space from 'Computer' (Start>Computer) rather than my original request of Windows explorer.
Exit the instance of Eraser running in the Notification Area first before starting another instance running as an administrator. If the first instance is still running, then the new administrator instance will shut down.
I did exit the previous running session of Eraser prior to running the application in administrator mode. Unfortunately, although I managed to get the 'erase free disk space' to work I am unable to get eraser to erase any files I subsequently request to be erased. If I right click on a file and select erase all I get is an error message (can't remember the exact wording) to the effect that file erase failed - Null. As the application isn't currently unreliable I have uninstalled it. I'll await the next build when, hopefully, these minor bugs will have been ironed out.
Well I'm pretty certain you know that without an error message there's nothing I can deduce about the situation and I can't fix anything; it'll be a great help if you can post the exact error message (or at least certain keywords)

Chinese Characters? Could you take a screenshot instead; Chinese characters would almost certainly mean corruption of some form but let's see if anything more can be drawn from this.
Just as an addition to my previous post:

Earser is set to 'run as administrator.' If I disable 'run as administrator' in eraser properties it is possible to erase a file without seeing any error message; however, as soon as 'run as administrator' is enabled again, upon trying to erase a file, the error message appears again.

Also on this new installation (remember i uninstalled eraser yesterday) the 'erase free space' option actually works regardless of whether 'run as administrator' is enabled or not. One thing I did notice yesterday prior to uninstalling eraser was, when I attempted to erase free space (with run as administrator enabled) the task would run for around 5 minutes before signalling the the task had finished. This I found strange considering the free space I was attempting to clean was over 100GB in size - even CCleaner takes longer than 5 minutes (more 15 to 20 on a single pass) to clean the free space. Thinking also of older versions of eraser I have previously, with Windows XP and Vista waited in excess of 90 minutes or more to erase similar free space on a hard drive. The log file, incidentally, for the previous attempt at cleaning free space is available if required, although it is quite extensive to upload to this post.
hello joel

i download eraser
for windows 7 64 bits i have this
message then after when i start eraser with
icon software crash

Récipient d’erreurs 873026999, type 5
Nom d’événement : CLR20r3
Réponse : Non disponible
ID de CAB : 0

Signature du problème :
P1 : eraser.exe
P2 :
P3 : 4b26dc33
P4 : System.Windows.Forms
P5 :
P6 : 4a275ebd
P7 : 16ce
P8 : 21
P9 : System.InvalidOperationException
P10 :

thanks a lot


Hi John, OK the context menu problem is an extension of the fact that Eraser doesn't start. I'd reckon if Eraser starts up fine your context menu problem will be resolved as well.

John Barnett MVP said:
Just as an addition to my previous post: Earser is set to 'run as administrator.' If I disable 'run as administrator' in eraser properties it is possible to erase a file without seeing any error message; however, as soon as 'run as administrator' is enabled again, upon trying to erase a file, the error message appears again.
So you're setting "Run as Adminsitrator" on the program file itself, am I right? Was this done by the installer or done manually? Eraser doesn't need to be set to Run as Administrator to work; only when running tasks which require administrator permissions does that one instance of Eraser need to be run as an administrator. I'll have a look at this; the context menu is supported to know when this happens and display a proper error message. Thanks for finding the bug!

John Barnett MVP said:
Also on this new installation (remember i uninstalled eraser yesterday) the 'erase free space' option actually works regardless of whether 'run as administrator' is enabled or not.
That's strange. Remember that just as Eraser when started without administrator permissions will remain so until it is exited, if Eraser is started with administrator permissions it'll retain it until the program is manually exited!

John Barnett MVP said:
One thing I did notice yesterday prior to uninstalling eraser was, when I attempted to erase free space (with run as administrator enabled) the task would run for around 5 minutes before signalling the the task had finished. This I found strange considering the free space I was attempting to clean was over 100GB in size - even CCleaner takes longer than 5 minutes (more 15 to 20 on a single pass) to clean the free space. Thinking also of older versions of eraser I have previously, with Windows XP and Vista waited in excess of 90 minutes or more to erase similar free space on a hard drive. The log file, incidentally, for the previous attempt at cleaning free space is available if required, although it is quite extensive to upload to this post.
When you next get the error, view the log and filter down to get only warnings and above. That should reduce the number of log entries and make the error more obvious.

Thanks for your help!
fred17 said:
hello joel

i download eraser
for windows 7 64 bits i have this
message then after when i start eraser with
icon software crash

Récipient d’erreurs 873026999, type 5
Nom d’événement : CLR20r3
Réponse : Non disponible
ID de CAB : 0

Signature du problème :
P1 : eraser.exe
P2 :
P3 : 4b26dc33
P4 : System.Windows.Forms
P5 :
P6 : 4a275ebd
P7 : 16ce
P8 : 21
P9 : System.InvalidOperationException
P10 :

thanks a lot
The InvalidOperationException bug has a fix under way; it'll be published as soon as the person who got the temporary fix gets back to me with the results of the fix.
Hi Joel,

I manually set the 'run as administrator' myself via the Eraser Properties.

For some strange reason Eraser will not erase free space unless it is allowed to 'run as administrator.' After I posted to the forum yesterday I disabled the 'run as administrator' option from the Eraser Properties (Compatibility). At this point evberything 'seemed' to be working fine. Later on I closed down my PC and then rebooted. Upon reboot (remember eraser was now set to open normally, run as administrator having been disabled) I launched eraser by clicking Computer, Right clicking on my C: drive and requesting eraser to 'erase free space.' Sadly up popped the error message related by mviverette. I exited from Eraser and re-enabled the 'run as administrator' option in the Eraser properties (Compatibility) and then tried again. On this occasion Eraser worked fine. Also, on this occasion eraser was still working away erasing free space after 4 hours. The progress bar indicating around 65% of my 164GB of free space having been processed.
Hey John,

There's no need to get Eraser to run as an administrator; this disables the Context menu extension (why didn't I think of that...) since the context menu extension needs to call on Eraser.exe to get the task working in Eraser.

John Barnett MVP said:
For some strange reason Eraser will not erase free space unless it is allowed to 'run as administrator.'
Well, Eraser cleans free space by filling the drive with files so that all unused space is used and overwritten. Cluster tip erasures involve opening every single file and filling up the cluster tip; both operations require administrator permissions, especially under enterprise deployments where users may have enforced quotas which prevent all unused space from being erased.

John Barnett MVP said:
After I posted to the forum yesterday I disabled the 'run as administrator' option from the Eraser Properties (Compatibility). At this point evberything 'seemed' to be working fine. Later on I closed down my PC and then rebooted. Upon reboot (remember eraser was now set to open normally, run as administrator having been disabled) I launched eraser by clicking Computer, Right clicking on my C: drive and requesting eraser to 'erase free space.' Sadly up popped the error message related by mviverette.
So this error comes when you use the context menu extension, am I right?

John Barnett MVP said:
I exited from Eraser and re-enabled the 'run as administrator' option in the Eraser properties (Compatibility) and then tried again. On this occasion Eraser worked fine. Also, on this occasion eraser was still working away erasing free space after 4 hours. The progress bar indicating around 65% of my 164GB of free space having been processed.
Perhaps, in future you may like to try again (without modifying the run as administrator; just repeat the command). I did experience this problem before and apparently it seems to happen in a random fashion. Once we've got a crash assistant working I believe this will be of great help. Free space erasures take a long time especially with both cluster tip erasures and a multi-pass erase method in use. What settings did you use?
John Barnett MVP said:
I manually set the 'run as administrator' myself via the Eraser Properties.
I've done this myself on a Vista VM and verified that it doesn't affect the way Eraser works. It only affects the way Eraser is run from the Start Menu/Explorer. Eraser crashing is probably due to other causes.

If you are able to find the crash log please send it to me, I'm in need of clues to solve this particular issue.
Hi Joel,

I'm having problems with eraser on Windows 7 64x Ultimate and Enterprise.

Error Case #1
I attempted to erase an encrypted folder named "test" and the program crashed with ...

Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: eraser.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4b26dc33
Problem Signature 04: System.Windows.Forms
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4a275ebd
Problem Signature 07: 1521
Problem Signature 08: 138
Problem Signature 09: System.NullReferenceException
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

However, the contents of folder test were removed and oddly, the folder name changed to "3=+1".

Error Case #2
I restarted the Eraser app and attempted to remove a folder named "test - Copy - Copy", the task bar said, "Completed with errors" I checked the task log and I see ...

Session: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 7:23:19 AM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 7:23:19 AM Error The process cannot access the file 'D:\WEE60M(GeLEc,h3DGm\' because it is being used by another process.

In this case the contents of folder "test - Copy - Copy" were deleted and the folder was renamed to "WEE60M(GeLEc,h3DGm\".

Similar behaviour occurs on both Win 7 64x machines.


btw. big fan of your product.
Hey, thanks for the bug reports, but I can't debug anything without any debug information; I'll need you to help test a debug build which records crashes. PM me your email address so I can get it sent to you, specifying the desired architecture (x86 or x64)

The second one seems to be a reported problem with some other application locking files while we're trying to remove it, no known workaround is available at the moment.
I get a NullReferenceException with Win7 64 from either the context menu or manually running an erase free disk job from within Eraser. This is regardless of the setting for cluster tips.

I got erase free space to work ONCE before, but now it always gives me NRE. I've tried restarting to no avail.

Stopped working

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
Problem Signature 01: eraser.exe
Problem Signature 02:
Problem Signature 03: 4b26dc33
Problem Signature 04: System.Windows.Forms
Problem Signature 05:
Problem Signature 06: 4a275ebd
Problem Signature 07: 1521
Problem Signature 08: 138
Problem Signature 09: System.NullReferenceException
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033

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