Why You Need a Virtual Private Network for Home and Business

 In Cyber, Cybersecurity, Encryption, Privacy, Security

Every time we use the internet for communication or research, we potentially leave ourselves open to abuse, interference, and surveillance. Normally, if we use anti-virus software we should be okay, but there are exceptions. Places where we could benefit from VPN networks are wi-fi and employer networks. The reasons being these provide opportunities for malicious co-users to see what we are doing.

What are VPN’s, And What do VPN’s Do?
Virtual private networks are functionally similar to hard-wired networks, except they are on a cloud. They could create a secure funnel between your computer and the sites you visit, thereby blocking intermediary hacking. Perhaps we should say ‘mostly blocking’. National security departments are generally ahead of the game, and so it seems is WikiLeaks.

Virtual Private Networks for Businesses
Any business with people at remote sites should definitely benefit from a VPN service. This is especially true of managers and staff who travel a lot, and use hotel, restaurant, and airport wi-fi to exchange ideas. If they also access business data centres this should become an imperative.
Virtual private networks are user friendly. When we connect to our chosen one, they launch a credential login screen so we can exchange key information. After our and the VPN computer have verified each other’s authenticity, the privacy tunnel is complete, and ready to repel boarders. Once you become accustomed to the service you may wonder why you took so long to come on board yourself.

VPN Services for Personal Users
Virtual private networks come in handy in all kinds of ways. By choosing one in the right geolocation we can bypass government censors, and checkpoints preventing us from streaming music and watching videos outside our own country. For example, the ‘secret tunnel’ can evade a copyright prescription that a publication is only available to residents of a particular country. This is because most websites believe you are browsing at the VPN server’s location.

How Private Internet Users Benefit
• Frequent travellers and students on gap years can watch their favourite sports channels live, instead of relying on local news sites that report retrospectively
• Surfers downloading legal, risqué, and embargoed content can prevent Google from analysing their interests and selling them to paid advertisers
• Internet clients who just don’t like the idea of people snooping on them (including their own ISP) can gain a level of confidentiality becoming rare

The Two Most Important things to Know about VPN’s
In theory, and in truth most of the time, a good virtual private network secures your internet connection, so it is as good as if it were hard wired. However, and this is important, there are ways to crack VPN security especially by governments. The bigger corporate entertainment providers like Netflix are also in the loop, so they could be watching you too.

A Handy Checklist When Choosing a Quality VPN Provider
Shop around to get a feel for what VPN services provide. Then shortlist the ones that appeal to you most. Compare them in terms of standard and upselling features, where their servers are, what protocols they use to connect, and how much they cost. Next, understand the niche they aim to serve. For example, are they targeting:
• Bulk data loaders who just want a little privacy while they do
• Occasional surfers who want the assurance of protection
• Users wanting to bypass geo-restrictions on services and apps
There is always give-and-take between quality and price when shopping. Prepare to be flexible while keeping your eyes open. There are good, bad, and indifferent virtual network providers. Google for reviews on trusted sources, and ask your social media friends for advice.

To learn more about VPN’s go to: https://www.bestvpn.com

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