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  1. Txv2

    SSL security certificate invalid

    The SSL certificate for this website is broken or just invalid, please repair it. ;) Test:
  2. Txv2

    Strange time differences.

    When I do a 1pass pseudorandom free space wipe, on a 250GB notebook and a 320GB desktop, the finalization time difference is about 3.5 times slower for the notebook. Nearly everything between the two is identical, processor, RAM amount, OS config, version of Eraser, first with 5.86a then 5.87...
  3. Txv2

    Is Entropy polling advisable?

    (I use the "stable" 5.86a version of Eraser). Is the "background entropy polling" option useful, because it provides an extra layer of pseudorandom noise, or unnecessary, because it can make the wipingprocess slower and XP unstable, when I use it for a pseudorandom free space wipe? I have read...
  4. Txv2

    Full Disk Encryption, and consequences for Eraser.

    Since FDE encrypts unused disk space and all the disks space in general, this would make the use of wipe-tools like Eraser in theory no longer essential, but this wont keep anyone who has stolen your pre-boot password (or forcing it out of you) from restoring any of your previously...